The word meditation comes from the same Greek and Latin roots as the work medicine. Calming the mind and the body allows one to better listen to the wisdom of the body. Meditation considered as the alternative health movement emphasizes the benefits of self healing of body and mind. There are numerous forms of meditation including the mind relaxation, progressive stress relief meditation, The primary purpose of meditation is to calm the mind, to be aware in the present, essentially to find a calm center in ourselves. Many meditation proponents believe self-awareness is critical for deep healing to take place in both body and mind.
Relax the body and mind and rejuvenate one's flow of energy in order to more effectively face the responsibilities of one's demanding and active life.
2. Heal illnesses (especially psychosomatic ones).
3. Overcome emotional problems.
4. Develop a more relaxed and positive view towards life.
5. Develop a peaceful and more clearly functioning mind.
6. For greater ability to penetrate into the core of problems and find inspirational solutions. This has been found especially useful by scientists and businessmen.
7. Tune into a creative inspirations for artistic expression.
8. Freeing oneself from addictions such as cigarettes, alcohol, narcotics and tranquilizers.
9. Purify one's character.
10. Develop will-power.
11. As a method of self-observation and self-discovery.
12. Develop the latent powers of the mind.
13. Create a relationship with God.
14. Develop an inner relationship with the Divine.
15. Spiritual growth, self-knowledge or enlightenment.
16. Transcend the identification with the body and mind, and experience spiritual realities.
17. For the ecstasy of union with the Universal Spirit, which is the essential reality of the universe.
2. Heal illnesses (especially psychosomatic ones).
3. Overcome emotional problems.
4. Develop a more relaxed and positive view towards life.
5. Develop a peaceful and more clearly functioning mind.
6. For greater ability to penetrate into the core of problems and find inspirational solutions. This has been found especially useful by scientists and businessmen.
7. Tune into a creative inspirations for artistic expression.
8. Freeing oneself from addictions such as cigarettes, alcohol, narcotics and tranquilizers.
9. Purify one's character.
10. Develop will-power.
11. As a method of self-observation and self-discovery.
12. Develop the latent powers of the mind.
13. Create a relationship with God.
14. Develop an inner relationship with the Divine.
15. Spiritual growth, self-knowledge or enlightenment.
16. Transcend the identification with the body and mind, and experience spiritual realities.
17. For the ecstasy of union with the Universal Spirit, which is the essential reality of the universe.
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