mercoledì 16 marzo 2011

The End of Empathy? Empathy is declining, but is it dead? la psichiatria fossile rifletta

da Psycology Today , by 

score high on this "empathy test" give 
 of their time and money and frequently 
help others in need. You can try the test 
and see how you score compared to the 
13,737 students in our sample by 
here . We ran a statistical analysis to see 
whether there were changes over time in 
empathy and found that there had been 
overall declines, especially since the
2000.I never imagined that we would end 
up being able to share good news about
empathy when we presented our research 
at the Association for Psychological 
Annual Convention in May.The good 
news is 
that empathy is not "destroyed" or "under 
siege," as the author of the Fox News 
suggests. Instead, empathy may be sick. 
Not "you have 6 months to live " sick, 
like " you need to spend a few days in
 bed " 
sick. In other words, although there has 
been a decline in empathy, there are a 
few key things to consider about the data 
before declaring a state of emergency 
on the moral health of the nation.
Why this is not a total crisis:
1. Empathy is measured on a 1 to 5 
scale, with higher numbers meaning 
that people are high in empathy. The 
good news is that despite the declines in 
empathy, the average empathy score in 
2009 is still just above the midpoint of 
the scale (ie just above 3). So, there is 
no need to plan empathy's funeral quite 
2. On that note, there are a wide variety 
+of empathy scores represented within 
the college student annual average. 
half of these scores are higher than the 
average, and about half of them are 
than the average.In order words, just 
because empathy is declining on 
does not mean that each individual is 
low in 
empathy. To accuse an entire generation 
of low empathy is not very kind, nor is it 
3. American college students are 
not the 
most prototypical Americans. They are 
richer, whiter, more female, and in our 
sample at least, about 20 years old 
on average. So as long as you can 
avoid college towns, you should be
 fine. And until future research proves 
otherwise, I wouldn't suggest joining 
the empathy militia.
4. Violent criminal acts such as murder, 
rape, robbery, and aggravated assault 
have all shown steady, marked 
from the early 1990s to the late 2000s. 
This is the opposite of what we would 
expect if empathy was 'under siege.'
Why I am still concerned:
1. This is not the first study to find 
trends related to declining empathy 
in American college students. In my 
dissertation work we also found 
 in the personality trait narcissism over
The fact that there has been other
 research with similar trends is notable.
2. It's true that the average empathy 
still hovers above the midpoint of the 
but empathy is still declining 
and at a faster rate in more recent 
If recent trends continue, this could 
 translate into broader societal 
I'm most concerned that current declines
empathy could lead to negative reciprocal 
spirals as people feed off of each other's 
low empathy.
3. Right now our evidence is limited to 
American college students, but future 
work will look at broader trends in 
narcissism and empathy in American 
society at large. We're also interested 
in cross-cultural changes. Stay tuned...4. 
Although violent crime in general has 
declined, certain types of violent 
ave actually risen over time: i) acts 
violence against the homeless 
have shown 
dramatic increases, especially over
past ten years, and were recently 
estimated to be at an all time high; 
crimes against Hispanics and
 perceived i
mmigrants, as well as against 
gays , bisexual, and transgender 
ndividuals are all significantly 
and i hit-and-run car accidents 
have increased by about 20% since 
1998. Each of these specific types of 
crime target stigmatized, marginalized, 
or otherwise defenseless groups.What 
do you think?Is the decline in 
empathywe recently found something 
to worry
 about it? Have you noticed this 

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