venerdì 20 luglio 2012

Smarter Communications secondo IBM

orso castano : enormi investimenti per velocizzare e miglorare qualitativamente le comunicazioni. Ma il sospetto che l'ombra del Grande Fratello si insinui nella operazione e' alta. Costruire informazioni su misura della domanda e' una facilitazione ma anche il rischio di controllo del "sapere " e delle tendenze mentali di ciascuno di noi. Dilemma di difficile soluzione. A queste perplessita' si aggiungono i timori di una concentrazione del controllo e del sapere a questo livello e della perdita enorme di posti di lavoro. Che faranno i milioni di disoccupati? Come occuperanno il loro tempo di vita in maniera gratificante ?
In a Reuters survey, 61 percent of Americans said it would be easier to live without air travel than the Internet.1 This hyper-dependence on communication networks is hardly limited to the US. By 2020, 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet worldwide.2
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Industry transformation is driving major change for communications service providers. Watch the video.(02:00)
But as demand continues to skyrocket, the field of competitors grows even more crowded with players that weren’t considered communications service providers (CSPs) a few years ago, such as Amazon, Google andApple.
So how should a CSP react when these powerful brands become competitors overnight, and customers churn at an alarming rate? The answer is to get faster, smarter and more efficient. The answer is to transform.
But the challenges ahead are formidable, and there are many paths to success. Major strategic decisions must be made quickly that ensure CSPs can compete in an all-IP world, operate with the leanest and most agile cost model, and delight their customers.

Three key imperatives for smarter communications:
Deliver smarter services to generate new sources of revenue more quickly.
Smarter services are personalized for each customer, represent a large number of varied services, and can be tested, adapted and scaled quickly. They are built on a next-generation services platform, often using cloud technology. Smarter services embrace an ever-growing application partner ecosystem, expanding your offering portfolio for current customers as well as new vertical markets, including banking, healthcare, government and more.
Transform operations to achieve business and service excellence.
Smarter operations deliver OSS/BSS agility, a superior customer experience and operational cost control. They implement open architectures and standards-based solutions as established by organizations like the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the TeleManagement Forum (TMF). This approach to transformation lowers risk, improves operational efficiency and allows the CSP to respond more rapidly to business change for faster results.

Customers expect a superior communications experience anywhere, anytime, on any device.  And they expect consistent experience across all of these, with high-speed data connectivity and reliability.
Build smarter networks to optimize and monetize next-generation networks.
Smarter networks use analytics to help monetize network data for new network-based services that provide the right quality of service to the right person, at the right time and at the right price. They maximize network capacity and utilization, enabling the CSP to reduce or defer the potentially massive infrastructure investments required to keep pace with traffic growth. Smarter networks transform IT and network operations from reactive to proactive organizations. Using predictive analytics, smarter networks can improve the efficiency, security and energy usage of passive infrastructure such as cell sites, data centers and other facilities, and even device endpoints.

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