venerdì 31 agosto 2012

Stem cell treatments, cell therapy, stem cells

orso castano : questo sito offre una panoramica sull'itilizzo delle cellule staminali per diverse importanti terapie. Non risultano serie valutazioni a dustanza , al di la' del fatto che i risultati a brevi sono promettenti. Non resta che seguire e monitorare nel tempo questa terapia che potrebbe esser d'aiuto per molte terribili malattie

Stem cell treatments, cell therapy, stem cells

our clinic offers advanced patented methods of stem cell treatment for different diseases and conditions. The fetal stem cells we use are nonspecialized cells able to differentiate (turn) into any other cell types forming different tissues and organs. Fetal stem cells have huge potential for differentiation and proliferation and are not rejected by the recipient’s body more...
Stem cell therapy has proven to be effective for organs and tissues restoration, and for fight against the incurable and obstinate diseases. We treat patients with various diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, cancer, blood diseases and many others, including rare genetic and hereditary diseases. Among our patients there are also people willing to undergo anti-aging treatment. Stem cell treatment allows for achieving effects that are far beyond the capacity of any other modern method more...



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