domenica 5 agosto 2012


orso castano : simo dopo i primi 60 al mondo, dovremo vergognarci


anticorruption  Codes of conduct and the legal system: ideas and implications: yesterday  · reply  · retweet  · favorite 
onthe_frontline  Next #OTFL  on #corrruption . We want to hear from you - what's it like where you live? What do you see? RTs welcome! 2 days ago  · reply  · retweet  · favorite 
anticorruption  #Kosovo  needs stronger laws to fight organised crime & current draft law must be revised, says our Kosovan partner: 2 days ago  · reply  · retweet  · favorite 
anticorruption  #G20  must address financial integrity as #corruption  surges through major#banking : 3 days ago  · reply  · retweet  · favorite

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