martedì 19 giugno 2012

stress psicosociale ,, DSM 4, asse 4, da Datablog, facts are sacred

orso castano : la crescita numerica, in Europa, di una qrande quantita' di giovani "non  studio non lavoro" , determinera' un diffusa "anomia" sociale proprio tra le nuove leve della forza lavoro. Non e' solo un problema di "stress psicosociale" ne' di identita' mancata o proibita,; non si puo' vivere avendo come prospettiva la disidentita', la vaghezza esistenziale; e' inevitale che cio' procurera' rabbia e rivendicazioni anche scomposte, alla ricerca di un capro espiatorio , come accadde in Europa , ed in Germania in particolare negli anni 30. Sappiamo come e' finita. Dovremmo rileggere (e lo faremo) le pagine illuminanti di Wilhelm Reich , in Psicologia di massa del fascismo" e la sua descrizione della personalita' dipendente  (da una Guida , da un Fuhrer). Occorre stare attenti ed organizzare dibattiti diffusi per trasmettere alle nuove generazioni quanto accadde allora e per costruire insieme a loro il loro futuro.

Neet England: how many young people are Not in Employment Education or Training? clicca x art. intero

The latest figures show the number of NEETs in England has fallen but remains high. Download the data for yourself
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NEETs in England - how many young people are not in Employment, Education or Training? Photograph: Alex Segre/Rex Features
NEETs are in the news with new figures out today. Not in Employment, Education or Training figures were highlighted by deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg who has unveiled a work programme for what he describes as "disengaged" 16 and 17-year-olds.
The latest figures show the first downward trend in over a year.The quarterly statistics, released by the Department for Education this week, indicate that by the end of 2011 the number of 16- to 24-year-olds not in education, work or training in England had fallen to 958,000 - a drop of 205,000 from the previous quarter, which had a record high of 1,163,000 "neets", the most since 2000.
This final quarter figure for 2011 is slightly higher than the same quarter the year before, with 15.9% of all 16- to 24-year-olds in England being NEET as compared to 15.6%. Figures tend to follow a seasonal pattern of lower rates in autumn after a peak in late summer, reflecting the academic year. By looking at the figures for Q4s, you can see that despite a drop in numbers from third to fourth quarter, 2011 still finishes higher than any other year:
The full data is below. What can you do with it?

Data summary

NEETs - the key numbers

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Quarterly LFS series
Yr, Quarter
England, %
Female %
Male %

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